A backyard barbecue takes on extraordinary meaning when it’s held under the stars on Grand Cayman Island’s Seven Mile Beach. Join us for a look at the Cayman Cookout’s Barefoot BBQ festivities held at Royal Palms and presented by the Certified Angus Beef ® brand and Moët & Chandon.
Guests from around the world enjoyed outdoor dining and beachy bliss as chefs Eric Ripert, Anthony Bourdain, José Andrés, Emeril Lagasse, and our own Tony Biggs and Ashley Breneman sizzled on the beach. Handcrafted cocktails, live music, and sweet creations made for an enchanted evening.
Prep and Progress
The team began preparing the menu early in the day. Certified Angus Beef ® cuts, spices, swords and fire were critical ingredients in the final beefy bites.
On the Menu
Certified Angus Beef ® flanken cut ribs, beef back ribs, sirloin flap, and plate short ribs. Also? Grilled pineapple [yum!].
As the sun set, tantalizing beef juices dripped onto hot coals. Chefs and staff took their places and readied their offerings.
Chef Tony Biggs: barefoot barbecue guru.
Sizzling beef is a beach crowd favorite!
It was just another evening in paradise … just another unbelievably delicious event to complete our culinary team’s 2018 Grand Cayman adventures.
It was an illuminating experience!
Stay tuned for more behind the scenes shots and food stories. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook!