Now that’s trendy

We called it “Restaurant Week in Wooster” though it was an unofficial reference with little meaning beyond our kitchen door. We invited a group of folks to visit us in Ohio — a cross-section of individual restaurateurs, corporate chefs and academia. We wanted to pick their brains and teach ’em a thing or two about …   Continue Reading

The best of trends

Bacon. Molecular gastronomy. Micro greens. Cupcakes. Food trucks. Pickles. Gourmet coffee. Truffle oil. Love ’em, hate ’em, or used-to-like-’em-but-now-I’m-sick-of-’em, food trends are a fact of life in a culture that’s become interested in ingredients and concerned with all things culinary. Popular ingredients will come and go, but there are also other factors at play in …   Continue Reading