We asked … you voted … the results are in:
Virtual Burger Bash Champion
Chef Anthony Vidal of Hash House A Go Go!
Chef Anthony’s Mashed Potato Burger received the most votes in our
Virtual Burger Bash Facebook poll. See his competition, here.
We’d also like to congratulate
Chef Ric Rosser of Saltgrass Steakhouse
Winner of the Official Burger Bash Taste Contest at the
Certified Angus Beef Annual Conference in Sunriver, Oregon.
Chef Ric’s Ultimate Saltgrass Burger was the crowd favorite,
as judged by approximately 600 hungry burger lovers!
Chef Anthony’s
Mashed Potato Burger(makes 8 1/4-pound patties for 4 sandwiches)
2 lb. 80/20 lean Certified Angus Beef ® ground chuck. Pound out patties about two hours before use and refrigerate until ready to cook. Do not season.Potatoes:
One hour before cooking burgers, boil red potatoes with skins on until fork tender. Drain. Mash with heavy cream, unsalted butter, half and half, and salt and pepper to taste. Cover and keep warm until ready to assemble sandwich.Bacon:
Cook bacon, allowing 2-3 slices per burger. (Chef Anthony recommends cooking on a sheet pan in the oven.)To cook burger patties: Preheat a cast iron skillet or a 14-inch fry pan to 300 degrees. Use a bit of cooking spray to prevent beef from sticking. Cook burgers until internal temperature reaches 160°F. on an instant read thermometer. You may also grill the burgers if you prefer. Allow patties to rest 1 minute before assembly so juices can disperse.
Chef’s note: serve on bakery buns that you have lightly toasted.
To assemble, stack in order:
Bottom bun Leaf lettuce Slice of farm fresh tomato Burger patty Dollop of mashed potatoes Bacon slices Second burger patty Top bunSpear with a fresh sprig of rosemary. Chef Anthony suggests you do not skip this step. The sandwich will be infused with the smell and great flavor of rosemary for a feast of the senses. Enjoy!