I love to invite people over on the weekends. We gather in the back yard for a grilled feast of sizzling beef, cool summer cocktails and conversation. Sometimes there are kids in attendance and the menu includes frankfurters. Sometimes we have burgers. And sometimes I long for something different …
More elegant, maybe? Easier to prepare, perhaps? Not that made-to-order burgers and dogs are difficult, but occasionally it’s nice to have all the food ready to go before guests arrive. Sometimes as host or hostess, you want to join your favorite people at the table to enjoy a slow meal with lively conversation. Know what I mean?
Here’s how to have your beef and it, too (with your friends!)
Grill a few steaks, let them rest and then slice. Prepare a cool summer salad with garden-fresh veggies and top with the slices of steak. Serve family style and pull up a chair to your own table. Not only is this classic steak salad a great hot-n-humid weather sort of dish, it’s also a fine way to serve steak to everyone in attendance. And let’s face it, it looks fantastic on the plate, too … colorful, healthful and rich with vitamins, minerals and protein. Pair it with a chilled beverage or sparkling wine, and you — and your guests — are set.
Take time to experience the evening, watch the sunset and chat late into the night. This is a meal that allows time for catching up — and most importantly, time for savoring the most important things in life.
Enjoy, friends!