Jeremy Umansky is a gastronaut. Though he may have coined the term himself, it fits him to a tee. A lover of mold and its biological properties, Umansky is educated as a chef but prefers to spend his days foraging for edible vegetation and exploring all things food.
In the calm between what was once a job at Cleveland’s Trentina restaurant and opening a deli, the gastronaut stopped by the Certified Angus Beef ® Education & Culinary Center here in Wooster to talk science.
“We all nerded out,” says Dr. Phil Bass, the brand’s meat scientist. “We shared our focuses and what we know and understand in our respective disciplines. It was just a really interesting day of brainstorming.”
Jeremy does a lot of that, and it’s always with foodie folks in mind.
“For years, home cooks and professional chefs alike have used specific cuts of beef that limit the uses and dining enjoyment of the product,” Umansky says. “By applying biological and anatomical sciences to these cuts, we can widen beef’s appeal …”
There’s no doubt the healthy bacteria Jeremy loves affect flavor and affordability, but there’s more.
“His big focus is in edible molds and fungus of all kinds,” Dr. Phil says, “but he’s fascinated with old-world preservation techniques and gastronomy.”
In layman’s terms, that means that by observing practices used by those who came before, Umansky says there’s a chance beef can be made available in places where it’s difficult to keep fresh today.
“There’s more to eating beef than simply eating a great steak,” Dr. Phil adds. “There are cuts that may really benefit from looking at these ideas …”
Umansky is a chef-turned-scientist who continues to be a voice for the culinary community — someone who will push the envelope and engage others in the conversation. We’re big on ‘influencers’, and Jeremy truly is one. He has a solid understanding of the brand and the cattlemen behind it — a priceless perspective that will surely benefit beef lovers!
This story was written by Laura Conaway. Born and raised in the Sunshine State, she was raised on a working ranch. Laura is a lover of words, cattle and those who produce them.