For the love of beef: from pasture to cooking show

Summer grilling season is here, and we're pleased to share we're returning to the CBS weekend cooking show, Recipe Rehab, on Saturday, May 17 (check local listings). The episode features Mark and Abbie Nelson of 5-Star Land & Livestock, an Angus cattle ranch in Wilton, Calif. They'll share the family’s traditional beef ribs recipe. We'll share recipes on Friday, so stay tuned!  Continue Reading

You want healthy? Eat lean beef!

Premium beef like the Certified Angus Beef ® brand delivers superior flavor — if you're reading this blog chances are you're aware of that fact. But beyond its crave-worthy taste and singular eating experience, what's really important is a balanced, nutritious meal — right?   Continue Reading

Recipe Rehab – a tale of two stews

If you’re a fan of the Certified Angus Beef ® brand you may have already heard about the upcoming challenge airing this Saturday on CBS. If not, let me fill you in. The Cortes Family has a love for food that stems from their Puerto Rican heritage and family gatherings. Unfortunately, some of those ‘family …   Continue Reading

Behind the scenes at Recipe Rehab

This post was written by Certified Angus Beef ® brand friend, Liz DeBoer. She makes her home in California and took a road trip to L.A. for this story. On any typical evening, I can be found perusing my TV’s food channels looking for a cooking show or competition that will keep me enthralled for say, …   Continue Reading