The dust hasn’t settled and work continues on our project.
You know, the one we told you about here and here.
It’s exciting to watch the progress. The Certified Angus Beef ® Education & Culinary Center (ECC) is looking more like its namesake with each passing day. Most of the drywall is up, sanded and ready for painting. The electrical lines have been situated so computers and projectors and recording equipment will function for main room events as well as within each conference room.
This is one of the conference rooms. A nice breakout space for meetings and smaller educational sessions and such.
The chef forum. Our chefs and visiting culinarians will cook here during special events and educational seminars. Think of it as center stage … the set is still under construction! Behind this space is a large meat-cutting area. Meat scientists and others will train, educate and learn a few things themselves during carcass fabrication events. But that area isn’t quite ready to pose for photos.
Stay tuned for future construction updates. And some day soon we’ll take you on a tour of the finished facilities!